Last year closed with Janek planting another 16 trees from Barcham Trees. These have been planted at random across the meadow and, even, though it is mid-winter, they are looking good and break up the field well. A lot of the trees we have chosen will have colourful blossom in the Spring, so that is something to look forward to. Janek also managed to transplant another 10 trees of our own from the western boundary, where they were overcrowded, into the meadow. This should give them enough light and space to thrive. Once again, many thanks to all of you who have sponsored a tree. Your support and enthusiasm is much appreciated.
We also managed to plant more daffodil bulbs on the eastern boundary, which will also add to the Spring colour.
The next stage is to spray and then rotovate the section which runs parallel to the main road. which is where the annual flowers grow. We will be doing this in February/March and will be looking for volunteers to help us spread the seed, as we have decided to have a go at this ourselves and see how we get on, under supervision of our expert, Ed Cross, of course.
