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We have Ordered the Trees!

We eventually managed to get the seeds planted at the end of November - just about in time before the end of the planting season. It was quite a relief to get this job done, as we were quickly running out of time, and there was no let-up in the continuous rain. The field is still very wet now in the middle of December.

Having done that, we went in pursuit of trees and have placed an order with Barcham Trees in Ely. We have placed two orders. The first is for 25 trees for the one-acre memorial area. These will be the trees, generously donated, during the Aviva Save our Wild Isles project, and they will have memorial plaques. The plan is to have these trees planted in February 2024. The second order is for a further 20 trees to be planted at the end of next year in the open meadow area. We are delaying the planting of the second batch in order to protect the seeds which now cover this area. We want to give them as much chance as possible to get off to a good start.

So, with the seeds planted and the trees ordered, we can relax for a short time until all the action starts up again.

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